Ashtanga Vinyasa- 60min All-levels class. includes breakdown of postures, which are taught in a progressive sequence and chosen from the Ashtanga Yoga Series with an emphasis on breathing techniques.
Instructed Primary Series- 90min. All-levels, in-depth teaching of the Primary Series and yogic breathing practices.
For private and semi-private Ashtanga classes, please contact Katie directly.
Katie will work with you to develop an at home practice to work on independently in between private and semi-private sessions
Private and semi-private sessions are variable depending on group and location.
AYSOKC is not responsible for storing your belongings or lost or stolen property. Please practice cleanliness and mindfulness by taking your mats, towels, and other belongings home with you each day.
Many records (in the form of sacred texts) of the past teachings have been preserved and handed down in a long chain between teacher and student. These texts and teachings form the basis of a great tradition of yoga study that spans from the past to now. Within the yoga tradition there has always been great fluidity in the study and practice of the techniques. Teachers and students draw upon knowledge from multiple sources. They borrow techniques and synthesize philosophies to arrive at their methods of practice. Through the course of time, different teachers have founded schools, communities have sprung up around these teachers and they practice the techniques or view the nature of yoga in specific ways. As strong teachers come and go, schools, techniques, ways of thinking and practicing change, grow and evolve. An amazing intertwining of knowledge and methodology takes place, a melding of ideas, philosophies, and practices. The complexity of the weave of this yoga study makes it virtually impossible to come to an exhaustive or authoritative genealogy of yoga, and the further back you go the more obscure and untraceable the roots become. However certain texts from great, distant past have stood the test of time, the knowledge they offer has retained relevance and forms the basis of today’s study of yoga. These texts include the Upanishads, Tantra’s, stories from the great epics The Mahabharata and The Ramayana, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutra’s, The Shiva Samhita, Gheranda Samhita, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Yoga Rahasya, Yoga Yajnavalkya and others.
The study of ashtanga yoga emerged from the legacy of the tradition of yoga study that utilized these texts as sources for creating effective yoga practices. The roots of ashtanga can be traced to the legendary, “Father of Modern Yoga”, T Krishnamacharya. He along with his student Sri K Pattabhi Jois brought forth the ashtanga method from material they found in an obscure, lost text known as the Yoga Korunta. They used this text in combination with knowledge from the sacred texts mentioned above to formulate the ashtanga system.Ashta= 8 . . . . . . . . Anga = Limb
The union of all eight limbs creates a holistic system and way of life. The eight limbs are outlined in the sacred text, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Restraint, Discipline, Power to Say NO
Ahimsa- non-harming Satya- Truthfulness, virtuous Asteya- Non-stealing Bramacharya- Responsibly managing your sexual/creative energy Aparigraha- Non-possessiveness
Observances, Power to Say YES
Saucha- Cleanliness of mind and body Santosa- Contentment, equanimity Tapas- Discipline, intense spiritual practice Svadhyaya- Self-inquiry, study of sacred texts Isvara-Pranidhana- Surrender or Dedication to Divine or Higher Power
This is the physical practice most commonly known in the West and characterized as Yoga.
Developing skill and relationship with breathing.
Sense Withdrawal
Withdrawing your mind inward, refraining to act on external sensations. Residing in the immovable spot of your posture.
Holding or maintaining focused concentration
Training the mind to withdraw and detach from the turnings of thought
Divine Bliss, Oneness, Pure Consciousness, Dissolving of All Effort
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