Ashta= 8 . . . . . . . . Anga = Limb
The union of all eight limbs creates a holistic system and way of life. The eight limbs are outlined in the sacred text, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Restraint, Discipline, Power to Say NO
Ahimsa- non-harming Satya- Truthfulness, virtuous Asteya- Non-stealing Bramacharya- Responsibly managing your sexual/creative energy Aparigraha- Non-possessiveness
Observances, Power to Say YES
Saucha- Cleanliness of mind and body Santosa- Contentment, equanimity Tapas- Discipline, intense spiritual practice Svadhyaya- Self-inquiry, study of sacred texts Isvara-Pranidhana- Surrender or Dedication to Divine or Higher Power
This is the physical practice most commonly known in the West and characterized as Yoga.
Developing skill and relationship with breathing.
Sense Withdrawal
Withdrawing your mind inward, refraining to act on external sensations. Residing in the immovable spot of your posture.
Holding or maintaining focused concentration
Training the mind to withdraw and detach from the turnings of thought
Divine Bliss, Oneness, Pure Consciousness, Dissolving of All Effort